Houle William Darius  /  11096623

Adopted by Peter Schouteten since 5 November 2017.
94th Bomb Group Heavy - 331st Bomb Squadron
First buried at Plot AA, Row 5, Grave 101 Ardennes.
Plot C, Row 21, Grave 10
Born: 2 April 1921, Providence County, Rhode Island U.S.A 
Address: 101 Cumerford Street, Providence County, Rhode Island 02909
Died: 18 April 1944, Friesach, Germany   (23)
Adelard D. Houle (father) (1879 - ?)
Marie E. (Gagne) Houle (mother) (10 November 1888 - ?)
Lionel J. Houle (brother) (1908 - ?)
George J. Houle (brother) (1909 - ?)
Eveline W. Houle (sister) (1911 - ?)
Edouard J. Houle (brother) (1912 - ?)
Helen M. Houle (sister) (8 April 1913 - 7 March 1994) 80
Omar J. Houle (brother) (1916 - ?)
Leonie W. Houle (sister) (1917 - ?)
Yvonne W. Houle (sister) (1922 - ?)
Francis J. Houle (brother) (1923 - ?)
Laurette M. Houle (sister) (1928 - ?)
Left Waist Gunner
Serialnumber: 42-31401
Type: B17G
Nickname: Old Hickory
Destination: Berlin, Germany
Mission: Targets of Opportunity
MACR: 4151
Pilot 2nd Lt. Alden B. Gordon POW
Co-Pilot 2nd Lt. William C. McSpadden POW
Navigator 2nd Lt. John E. Walsh Jr. Plot D, Row 4, Grave 5 Luxembourg
Bombardier 2nd Lt. Robert Z. Carragher Plot C, Row 10, Grave 17 Ardennes
Radio Operator S/Sgt. Carl S. Barger POW
Ball Turret Gunner Sgt. James Brusatto POW
Engineer/Top Turret Gunner S/Sgt. Peter G. Athanis POW
Right Waist Gunner Sgt. Meyer B. Gelman USA
Left Waist Gunner Sgt. William D. Houle Plot C, Row 21, Grave 10 Ardennes
Tail Gunner Sgt. Vernon Williams POW
18 April 1944:
This aircraft was a member of the lead group of a combat wing. All A/C were on the bomb run flying at 25,000 feet. Weather was clear with no undercast as the bomb run was begun. At altitude, clouds were encountered as the bomb run progressed. Clouds became solid, so the group began descent so as to get under them. Just as the group emerged from the upper clouds and leveled off, Flying at 23,00 feet, the group was attacked by a close formation of about 40-70 S/E enemy A/C which were practically directly on top of our formation. Two passes were made on this group, both being head on in close formation and well pressed. About 80 enemy A/C were in the formation making the second attack. This aircraft dropped out of formation and was last seen about 5 miles south of target flying at 18,000 feet and circling. An unknown number of unidentified chutes were seen. 
The ball turret gunner saw him lying on the floor when he came up to bail out.